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Freestyle Gedichten

Gedichten langer dan 160 tekens.

Go to hell

Go to hell;
I don't wanna see you,
I don't wanna feel you,
I don't wanna hear you anymore,
Go to hell;
Get out of my life,
get out of dreams,
get out of head,
jut go away!
I wanna forgive you -no-
forget you -yes-
so just leave me alone ..
right now!

Door Fu*kyoubart! op 11-10-2009 om 19:31 0 3372
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You have betrayed us all 
We were the only ones left  
but you made us fall into your trap 
what were you thinkin,
what was on your mind 
for you, we aren't here nomore

Door Merugia op 13-02-2005 om 11:23 0 3143
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Shut up.

Shut up please.
Don’t need to hear your lies.
Spiders crawl from your eyes.
There is nothing in your mind.
But you, you, only you.
Ask and take but never give.
Let all things die so you can live.

Door Lieve Moosj op 10-04-2004 om 21:05 0 3124
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When I lie.

I didn't mean to hurt you ..
I didn't mean to make you cry ...
Maybe i really love you ...
Hehe aren't i cute when i lie!!!!

Door Tessy op 27-04-2003 om 10:11 0 3386
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