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SMS Gedichten

Korte gedichten, leuk om als SMS te versturen of om op Twitter of Facebook te plaatsen!


I don't think you realize
how easily you make me smile

Door xjipx op 12-07-2013 om 09:11 1 3964
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Be happy

Stop looking for
reasons you are not happy
Focus on the things you
do have. And the reasons
you should be happy.

Door fredjeeh op 19-04-2013 om 19:18 0 3722
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No stress
No drugs
No limits
No regrets
Just many alcohol
and some of
your best friends !

Door x11xO9x10x op 06-10-2011 om 13:59 0 3792
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Smile <3

Don't cry
just smile
Say hello
and not goodbye!

Door venera .. op 18-05-2011 om 16:11 0 3807
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naar boven