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Freestyle Gedichten

Gedichten langer dan 160 tekens.


The fucking thing I fucking like most in the fucking English language
is that you can fucking put the fucking word "fucking"
in every fucking place you fucking want!

Door gangstaa op 16-05-2013 om 11:55 0 3286
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Holy mother, full of grace 
Bless my boyfriend's gorgeous face 
Belss his hair that tends to curl  
Keep him safe from all the girls  
Bless his arms that are so strong  
Keep his hands where they belong 
Bless his di*k, the one I s**ked  
Bless the bed, in which we fu*ked 
And if my mom happened to walk in  
Bless the sh*t I would be in

Door Sammy op 31-07-2004 om 00:21 0 3819
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Sex is like pizza, when it's good it's very GOOD. When it's bad it's still pretty GOOD!!

Door :: webmaster :: op 16-12-2002 om 18:02 0 5938
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