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Freestyle Gedichten

Gedichten langer dan 160 tekens.

At the Psychiatrist

Yes, I'm looking
got eyes for that.
Yes, I'm looking
does it make you feel sad

or something?

Well, have a visit at the psychiatrist then
if you think like that.
'cause you know I'm only looking
'cause I've got eyes for that.

Psychiatrists, they will welcome you
just with open arms, yeah right!
and if you think one talk will do
The psychiatrist will give you a light:

A light in the darkness, 'cause you can't see.
Now, there's darkness all around you.
So you seeing other people looking makes you angry,
'cause it's not really what you can do.

And because of the psychiatrist needs money;
He tells you: "Untill the next time honey".
And you? Poor little naive one;
Before you discover he uses you,
with the money he's gone.

Door PinaJones op 30-08-2015 om 02:36 0 2634
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4 reasons

Four main reasons a girl will stop texting back.
One - You said something that made her mad
Two - You just started to get boring
Three - She fell asleep
Four - You said the letter K

Door x11xO9x10x op 22-10-2011 om 15:17 0 3767
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I Promised..


I promised you I would always listen to you…
I promised you that my door was always open…
I promised you I would tell you everything ...
I promised you we would always best friends ...
I promised you that we together take a path through life...
I promised you that together we were going make it...
I promised you that no one came between us...
But everything I promised, I can not comply because ...
You think it will come but after that fight has not become 100%...
I did everything to ensure that it wast like before...
But what did you do ?? nothing...
So forget my promises
because our friendship has no meaning anymore...

Door LoveLove op 07-04-2011 om 05:42 0 3975
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A crazy world

This is a crazy world  
These can be lonely days  
It's hard to know who's on your side  
Most of the time  
Who can you really trust  
Who do you really know  
Everybody needs somebody who  
They can put there heart and soul into

Door SaRaH op 04-04-2008 om 15:46 0 3327
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Feel like leaving,
'cause you make me cry.
Feel like stop breathing,
so this is goodbye.
Feel so hated,
please tell me why.
You didn't gave me a change,
you didn't even try!
Still waiting for a miracle,
waiting for another lie!

Door Lieze op 14-01-2005 om 17:21 0 2760
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If u really knew me

If you really knew me... You knew I'm not sweet
If you really knew me... You would know I'm a bitch
If you really knew me... You wished you had never met me
If you really knew me... You would know I lied to you
If you really knew me... You wouldn't love me
If you really knew me... You didn't want to speak to me 
If you really knew me... You were afraid to see me 
If you really knew me... You would think I'm a freak 
If you really knew me... You would regret the things you said 
If you really knew me... You would hate me!

Door *just.ky.ra* op 13-04-2004 om 15:20 0 4285
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I no you love me,  
because you told me you do. 
But your love is so uncredable, 
because I can't love you to. 
I can't give my heart to you, 
i can't give him twice. 
I hope your not anry to my, 
ore sad about me. 
Just take me as a friend, 
that's all I can be. 

Door Mio_jojo op 03-04-2003 om 19:03 0 3574
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