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Freestyle Gedichten

Gedichten langer dan 160 tekens.

Heart & mind

No hints had been given yet it was observed,
comprehension was not asked but it was understood.
Is this just an illusion I'm bound to hold onto?
Do you desire me the way I desire you?
I'm feeling CON-NEC-TED to you but still not CONNECTED...
even though I know this is the closest we'll ever be.

Door CSD op 15-03-2015 om 15:24 1 3260
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My Distance

It's far away from me.
The way you can't see.
Just take a step and leave behind.
You know your closer.
and if it's not,
just go in mind

Door WhatYouNeed op 04-03-2014 om 10:23 0 3076
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people ask us the wrong questions
so we cannot give them
the right answers
but the worst part is when
we become those people
and we ask ourselves
the wrong questions
because we are terrified
of hearing the right answers.

Door fredjeeh op 26-04-2013 om 19:59 0 3200
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Smiling face

Never trust a smiling face
because it is not what you think it is,
The face can smile but the soul can cry,
so never trust a smiling face
because it is not what you think you see!

Door gangstaa op 08-01-2013 om 02:36 0 3169
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Sometimes I need a little prove you love me,
cause I think too much.. when I think I get a little scared,
scared of losing people I love.
Cause feelings can change so fast..
So, please, baby just tell me you love me, as much as you can,
so I don't have to be scared of losing you.

Door Lisanne. op 08-04-2010 om 17:45 0 2636
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More than that

I don’t want this conversation
I’ll upset you cause I’m not in the mood
I’ll say the wrong things
And I’m wondering
Am I to be all right?
Can you form a picture of me
By numbers, signs and grades?
Am I not more than that?
Will the rest of me just fade?
Till there is nothing left,
But a number, name, sign or grade?

Door Moosj op 02-06-2004 om 11:27 0 3123
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For attention...

>I do like too be with you on sunny days
Never ment to be onhappy on dark gloomy days
But today I am....
Am I like this to yell for attention?
I was allways like this....
Thought I had changed....
Guess I haven't
Why not???

Door Lieve Moosj op 29-04-2004 om 15:35 0 3247
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