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It hurts

you never see my tears,
but that doesn't mean i don't cry.
you have never felt my pain,
but that doesn't mean i don't hurt

Door Mij Mezelf & Ik op 17-11-2013 om 18:48 0 3668
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Behind myself

Behind my smile is a hurting heart
Behind my laugh, I'm falling apart
Look closely at me and you will see
the girl I am
isn't me

Door Febetje op 23-07-2013 om 18:34 0 3638
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I'm hurting

You can't see that I'm hurting,
You can't notice the pain.
It feels like everyone is sitting in sunshine,
While I drown in the rain.

Door Mij Mezelf & Ik op 15-07-2013 om 23:27 4 3839
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You've spent a lifetime stuck in silence,
afraid you'll say something wrong.

Door jasmijnxox op 01-07-2013 om 12:12 0 3464
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The fact

I hate the fact
that the few people I let inside
injure me the most!

Door gangstaa op 16-05-2013 om 11:00 0 3677
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My silence
is just another word
for my pain

Door gangstaa op 16-05-2013 om 10:37 0 3511
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Sometimes when I say "I'm okay",
I want someone to look me in the eyes,
hug me tight and say, "I know you're not!"

Door gangstaa op 16-05-2013 om 10:33 0 3837
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You never know..

You never know what a person's been through in life.
All you know is what they show you.
You'd be surprised how many things a smile can hide.

Door dolfie22 op 27-01-2013 om 19:47 0 3414
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A good heart

take care if you have a kind heart:
you give too much, love too much, trust too much
and the sad fact is...
you will hurt too much!!

Door gangstaa op 27-01-2013 om 12:21 0 3561
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The past

Realize that you can't change
stuff from the past.
But you can go with the flow
and deal with it!

Door Mij Mezelf & Ik op 02-10-2012 om 23:26 0 3638
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Strong people

Strong people know now to keep their life in order.
Even with tears in their eyes,
they still manage to say 'I am okay' with a smile.

Door superlolzz op 08-04-2012 om 16:12 0 3962
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Worrying is a waste of time.
It doesn't change anything.
It messes with your mind
and steals your happiness.

Door superlolzz op 25-03-2012 om 17:28 0 3693
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Mirror, mirror on the wall,
who's the biggest fool of all?
Must be the girl who can't stop crying.
Or maybe it's the girl who kept on trying.

Door dolfie22 op 14-03-2012 om 18:30 0 3589
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Giving up

The reason why people give up so fast
is because they tend to look at how far they still have to go,
instead of how far they have gotten..

Door dolfie22 op 11-03-2012 om 17:41 0 3352
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Tired of waiting

Tired of waiting,
tired of hoping,
tired of wishing
things will be back
to the way it used to,
when I know,
you don't care
like I do

Door dolfie op 01-07-2011 om 08:51 1 3283
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I'm lost in feelings
And when they hurt the most,
then I can't explain
what they are trying to tell me.

Door Steffy op 10-06-2011 om 16:42 0 3221
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All I wanted

I never wanted to be perfect 
I just wanted to be good enough for you 
But now, I don't know why I did so much for you 
if you don't give a damn

Door S.. op 16-02-2011 om 11:15 0 3190
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You would

I look ahead, I see nothing 
I look back, I see fear 
I look left, I look right 
You said you would stand there 
But you don't

Door Savanna op 16-11-2009 om 10:41 0 3212
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More and less

The more I hate, 
the less I love 
the less I love, 
the more I hurt 
the more I hurt, 
the less I care 
the less I care 
the more I hate..

Door Savanna op 25-10-2009 om 09:20 0 3273
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When you walk away

When you walk away. 
I count the steps that you take.
Do you see how much
I need you right now.

Door Lalalapoeh :] op 28-04-2009 om 10:15 0 3263
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