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What is.. ?

What is more painful?
''When a person whom you trusted hurts you? ''
''The person whom you hurt, still trusts you?''

Door fredjeeh op 29-06-2014 om 20:11 0 3238
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Right or wrong

Sometimes it's hard to pick right from wrong,
The best thing we can do is go with your heart,
And hope it all goes well.

Door Mij Mezelf & Ik op 15-07-2013 om 23:15 0 3502
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And even though I can't trust you
I do still love you

And you know what?
That's love, if you can't trust but still love

Door xjipx op 11-07-2013 om 20:47 0 3179
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Never trust someone,
even if you think
that he's everything for you,
because there's always a darker side,
that you didn't know.

Door lovee op 12-12-2011 om 16:11 0 3799
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People ask me
why it's so hard to trust people
and I ask them
why it's so hard to keep a promise?

Door x11xO9x10x op 06-10-2011 om 14:40 0 3443
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If the one person you ever trusted  
stabs you in the heart;  
then who do you turn to?

Door Melissa op 20-03-2009 om 10:35 0 3750
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